Top 10 Deals in Home Decor on Amazon India - Thus Spake Tan!

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A Quote for life!

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for Insects

Robert A Heinlein
(American science-fiction writer,1907-1988)

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 Home is where all of us love to retire after an eventful day. Home is where we wake up in the morning. Home is where we stitch those relationships, weave those dreams and build those bonds with other family members. Home is where the family is.

We all love to come back home!

Some come back home tired and exhausted, while others come home with a big smile on the face, denoting a piece of great news or a triumph. But whenever we come home, we want to relax, calm down and put a brake on our fast-moving life. And when we come back, we want our family to be welcoming us with a smile and a happy face. Along with the family, the home should also welcome us with compassion, love, and care.

We love to be at home. All of us try to make our home look cozy and welcoming. And in the pursuit of building a perfect home, we often take help from the home decor.

What is home decor? All those things that we purchase and put inside our home to decorate it to our heart’s content, is collectively called home decor. Starting from the curtains, to the lamp shades, to the wall clock and the photo frames that we hang on our walls; each of these things adds up to our home decorations or home decor.

We want our homes to be decorated to look beautiful, welcoming and comfortable. But most of us do not have a clue on how we can decorate our home. What home decor should we buy and how should we arrange things in our home so that it looks the best. It is often the biggest challenge we face while selecting the right home decor for our home.

In this article, I am going to try and help you out with selecting your home decor. I will be talking about the top 10 deals in home decor which is going on right now on Amazon India. We all love deals, don’t we? All the products I am going to list here will have an awesome deal associated with them. Please avail the deal and save more!

I am sure these products that I am going to list here will not only be the best buys that you can get but also, they will help to give you a good choice of products which you can probably get for your home. These will certainly provide you with a lot of ideas in which you can decorate your home.

So, without any further ado, let’s get started with the products that I have selected for you in this article. I will talk about 6 categories and then from each, I will be selecting one or two products which you will simply love to have in your home. Let’s go!

Wall Stickers

Wall stickers have actually taken the Indian market of home decor by storm. In Indian villages, we have a culture of painting various designs and art pieces on our walls and floors. This gives our homes a grand look. Wall stickers are actually a variation of such wall arts and graffiti; however, they have a great aesthetic sense and are perfect for our modern urban homes as well.

There are a plethora of various wall stickers available on Amazon, which you can choose from based on your designs and the features of the room in which you are going to put these up. In my home in Bangalore, we have two big stickers. One in our living room and the other in the hall. They look awesome.

You can choose from the below stickers or select from an entire lot of stickers available on Amazon’s website. These two are best suited for living rooms. Avail the top deals that are available all over the website now.

Decals Design StickersKart Wall Stickers Tree with Birds and Cages (Brown)


Decals Design Wall Stickers Pretty Tropical Birds on Floral Branch for Sofa Backdrop (PVC Vinyl, 60 x 45 cm, Multicolor)


Wall Clocks

No matter how big or small your rooms are, a wall clock can definitely change the look of it just by simply being there. Whether you are choosing a small and cute clock hanging from the wall or you are going for a big grandfather’s clock standing at the corner of your room, this particular home decor will definitely change the way your room used to look earlier.

Check these from my selection and let me know if you bought one of these or one of your own. I would love to see the wall clock that you liked more.

Vintage Clock Iron Handcrafted Double Side Clock(8x8-inch, Black)


Craftter Handmade Heavy Metal Wall Art and Decor Wall Clock 75 cm Black and Gold


Photo Frames

Photo frames have been part of our home decor since I was a child. I can remember printed photos hanging on our walls, framed and designed in a way so as to try and hold those moments forever. Smiling and bright photos set our moods up and fill our hearts with positivity and happiness.

Check out these photo frames which can keep a lot of your photos together and help you spread happiness whenever you look at them. There are a lot of deals going on right now.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Collage Photo Frames (Set of 11, Wall Hanging),Black


Again, like the photos hanging on our walls, good paintings can also brighten the day for us. Awesome paintings are available on Amazon for very low prices too. I am sure these paintings will fit into anyone’s budget. Take a look at these or the hundreds of other breathtaking paintings that are available on Amazon India and choose the best one that will suit your mood and your idea of your home decor.

Tamatina Kerala Mural Canvas Painting (Fabric,Extra Large,Multicolour)


Inephos Multiple Frames Beautiful Buddha Wall Painting for Living Room, Bedroom, Office, Hotels, Drawing Room (150cm X 76cm)


Room Fragrances

Now, this is something uncommon and not many Indian households use fragrances in their homes. Aromatherapy is slowly finding its feet in the Indian market. This is how the room fragrances these days form an integral part of your home decor.

Room fragrances are not room fresheners. These are different and are often much milder than room fresheners. Room fragrances are mostly battery or electricity operated and they spread the fragrance inside your room periodically, as set by you.

If it is something new for you, take a look at the description or at some unboxing video on YouTube which will tell you how they work.

Room fragrances are an awesome way to welcome guests too and are far better than room fresheners. The former does not fade away and does not annoy the guests with its strong stench like room fresheners do. So, this is the right choice in any condition. Check these ongoing deals out here.

BreatheFresh Clinically Proven Pureefy AntiBacterial Essential Oil Blend for Sinuses, Allergies, Common Flu and Headache Kills (with Reeds)


Dr. Trust Home Spa Luxury Home Office Cool Mist Aroma Oil Diffuser and Humidifier - 200 ml


This is all I have actually thought of to include in this list, but then I cannot complete a list of home decor items without mentioning or listing a few idols and figurines which form the most common room decor instruments that are used by the typical Indian households. Here are a few from my list of choice. You can find more on Amazon India website.

eCraftIndia Brass Antique Music Decorative Canon Showpiece


Little India Gemstone Studded Pure Brass Camel Handicraft (184, Brown)


Little India Antique African Zulu Tribal Men Handmade (Black,HCF186)

So, this is all that I had in this list of top 10 deals in Home Decor that is going on right now on Amazon India. I am sure you can find the right pick for yourself from this list. Do let me know if you buy anything from the chosen products or anything else on Amazon to decorate your home this spring.

Thanks a lot for spending the time reading my blog. Please subscribe and stay tuned for more such posts on upcoming deals and discounts on Amazon India. I write only about Amazon products in this blog, as of now. 

Hope this helps! Cheers!
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