Indian Newspapers are creating divide - Thus Spake Tan!

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A Quote for life!

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for Insects

Robert A Heinlein
(American science-fiction writer,1907-1988)

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So sad to see what these Indian Newspapers are doing within the country, to the countrymen! They are dividing us and we are falling prey as well.

Today morning, I saw a post on Facebook by Times of India. Here's is the link:
Cow terrorism killed 23 since 2014

Blew my head off! This is what I wrote in the comments. I know that there would be a lot of those who will jump in and fight against what I wrote, but I really do not care. This is actually what I feel. Read this comment, if you like, Unplugged!

Awesome Post. Create more hatred. Spread more religion based disputes. Well done. Suggestions: Use more such words like "Cow Terrorism", "Muslim Terrorists", "Hindu Mobs", "Beef Eaters", "Pork throwers", "Poor Hindus", "Downward Dalits", "Minority Muslims", "Muslim Stone Pelters", "Hindu Anti Romeo Brigade" - if you use these words, you will get the maximum TRP!
And for us who are crying over this topic - yes, I won't understand because no one from my family died and I am a Hindu. Only YOU will understand because they were all your family members as you are a Muslim! All Muslims as your family members whether they are in India, Pakistan, Iraq or Seria. But others who get killed are not yours even if they are Indians! Hindus need to come together to 'save' India, isn't it? 
Give me a Break!!!! 
There was a time when Newspapers used to bring the country together and fight for a common cause. And now, they are doing just the opposite. 
I guess we need another British (or some F-king alien community) to take over and give us a cause to get together as a nation. Till then, we will be slaves to such TOIs and others and react (like I am doing) to all the shit that they produce and share with us! 
Reminds me of a song we used to listen when in school:
"Bharat Abaar Jagot Shobhaay Shrestho Ashan Lobe"
(Judge me, I wrote that in Bengali and intentionally want to create division)
- But when will this happen? When will India be at the top of everyone else - AGAIN? 
All I want is to address that person, in TOI, who wrote this article and published it for money - to save his or her job. And everyone involved in publishing that NEWS. Are you guys still breathing? Breathing in Indian air? Do you realize that this air that you breathe has passed through the body of a "Cow terrorism supporter Hindu", a "Stone Pelter and Anti National Muslim", a "beef eating Christian?" Ek dam andar ghuske bahar aya hua hawa hai wo - what now? 
Do you realize, this air which all of us Indians have breathed in and out with the ultimate hope and faith that it will help keep us alive, is poisoned by you, when you inhale and exhale? 
Do you realize?
If yes, give me a hug - you know what to do.
If not, I guess you have a lot to answer to the questions of us and the next generation, who is going to breathe in this polution you create now and grow up to an already poluted life! You won't be thanked...

What do you feel?
Comment Using!!

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