Happy New Year 2017: I Quit - Thus Spake Tan!

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A Quote for life!

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for Insects

Robert A Heinlein
(American science-fiction writer,1907-1988)


Happy New Year 2017: I Quit

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Hi Friends,

Wish you all a very Happy New Year of 2017. Hope all your dreams come true this year.

One of the important things I started doing or shall I say stopped doing is to smoke! Yes, after almost 15 years of smoking, I've finally taken a step towards quitting. December 31, 2016 night was the last time I smoked, in Hemmady!

The only help that I've taken is joining two Facebook groups of fellow quitters. And they have been very helpful indeed. Met people from all over the world who are fighting it out! (If you're one, please join the groups - Quit Smoking Community & Quit Smoking Support).

One of the friends there posted something today which is this:

In reply, I wrote something long, and I think I should share that here as well. I've not actually thought about what I told that friend until this time, when I did. I should have talked with myself the same way, I guess, but I didn't until now.

So, here is what I suggested her:

Firstly, a hug 😍 You know I mean it!
Its been a good journey so far with you guys around and YOU have been close!
I thought you've come out of it already, but it seems not.
See Lori, smoking is bad, it harms us in various ways. This is why we all (including you) want to quit. But we are humans and not machines that we will just switch off that cravings and it will go off!
There are lot more things that harm us. If you are in India or few other Asian cities, probably you'll cause yourself the same damage without even smoking. Too much pollution.
So, what I'm saying is that it is not necessary to quit if you do not WANT to! I've seen people dying of cancer who never smoked or drank. I've seen 80 years old guys smoking. So, that again doesn't tell us whether to smoke or not!
Its only you. Its your life and you've got only one to live.
Smoke if you find pleasure in it. Quit if you want to. Don't spend your precious days in between these two, you'll not be happy.
If you're smoking, light one more and sit down. Think if you want to quit. Quit if you want to. Don't quit if you don't want to quit. But after these 5 minutes of thinking and talking to yourself, just stop bothering about it!
Whatever is your decision, just stick to it. Don't look back.
You'll be happy and that is the main thing, my friend!
I hope these words help you. If you want to talk, ping me and we will...
All the best 👍😊😊💐

I Quit. If You have not and you want to, please quit. If you need help, pick up the phone and call me up - let's talk. Let's quit smoking. It is not a good thing to do - obviously not something to be habituated with.

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