Hello folks! Hope you are enjoying the moment – live for the moment – kya pata, kal ho na ho?
Anyways, this post is to mark the start of a new year – yes, today is the birthday of Thus Spake Tan! and along with it, it marks the anniversary of me as a blogger too. This was the day when I created this blog and posted my first post. I still remember that time. It was no different from the present – only that there has been a gap of two years in between.

Starting from today, you will see a new blog here. I have changed the template and have removed a few things and added a few more for the convenience of my readers and the convenience of browsers too. New features include:
- A new header, which will be changed periodically.
- A Linkbar at the top, with most important links that can be related to my blog.
- The new template has three columns – hence, there will be separate places to post separate information.
- The long list of blogs can be kept without much change in the blog and hence, all my friendly blogs will be at arm’s length every time I or my readers want to access.
- More writing area – ability to put more things in a single page! Etc…
115 posts in 2 years is not bad – what do you say? I learnt a lot – I shared a lot – I read a lot and of course, I wrote a lot too. Last two years were the first two years of my blogging. I enjoyed the time thoroughly. I hope my aim as a blogger was accomplished – at least in parts. I am happy to get all your support and will need the same in future too. I thank all of you for reading me and supporting me.
So, keep reading me – and keep enjoying the time. Did you like this new look? Any suggestions? Any thoughts on this post? Comment Box is open to all :)
Congratulations Tan! I like your new template :) Looking forward to read your writings regularly from now!
Good luck!
Keep it up! Keep going!!!
congrats Tan !! btw ur sign looks like a blood dripping dagger :P !! or maybe my thought after Terror Friday at lounge :)
Hey Tan dada,
Congratulations... :)
Happy Budday to both of you!!
I liked the new look and I actually loved the header!! :)
Will keep reading you regularly from now! :)
All the best! Take care!
Happy Birthday To your blog Tan..!!
May you celebrate many more this way and write everythign that u can..!!!
I think this is my first time here...so no sugestions abt the new look...but i liked it..!!!
Rock on man.....you will be defly read...as u r blogrolled..!!!
Hey bro.. nice layout and happy wishes on your's and your blog's 2nd anni:) ... Expecting more years to come.. insha allah :)
wow lovely template, header, the look and everything and wow 2 years...great journey...Happy Birthday to ur Blog and congrats to u!
Keep writing
congratz ...lookin forward..
Congratulations on your 1 year Anniversary for this blog. Have a wonderful week-end which is right around the corner.
I like the template now! Very nice :)
Congrats on your 2 year anniversary Tan!
Thanks Bhargav, thanks for following the blog. Now, that it has a new look, it will have more new posts too :)
Thanks Sonshu for the visit! Its not One year though - Thus Spake Tan has completed 2 years now...
Thanks Pratibha... the sign is a different one I made long ago - thought I should use it once here :P
Aarthi, I spent lot of time in making the header. I am not much designer like others at the WL, but tried my best. Thanks for following my blog :)
Yamini, the old look was fine. I spent long hours in coding the old blog. A lot of things were there, even before Google and other sites came up with the widgets. Those are gone now. But I hope, the new template will be liked too. Keep reading and thanks for Blog rolling me :)
Hey Nusrath, thanks for the visit. The header will keep changing depending upon the time and situation. But this one, will be the base - always! Keep reading :)
Thanks Entertainer - thanks for the visit.
Hey Patty,
Long time you came here! Well, its just the second year and not 1 year - but anyways - thanks for coming all the way down to wish me. Keep reading, as you always do :)
Roshni, thanks for the visit. Keep reading and visiting Thus Spake Tan!
I like the template now! Very nice :)
Congrats on your 2 year anniversary Tan!
PS my last comment takes you to another website!! So I wrote it again!
Thanks Rosh...
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